Scientology is a moneymaker L Ron Hubbard was quoted many times as saying ‘the only real way to make big money is to start a religion’. And now thanks to his wisdom for a price you could reach the highest levels of existence and according to the church develop superpowers! And you would be surprised at what affordable prices this knowledge comes at. For as little as three hundred and eighty thousand dollars you could reach operating Thetan level eight, its about this point where you find out you are in a religion about aliens.
Members of the church are told to shut off all communications with family members and friends who leave the church or are deemed SP (Suppressive personalities); the idea of shunning is extremely cult like.
On the subject of Suppressive personalities, if you are considered a SP (suppressive personality) you are labeled fair game by the church, and they will then do everything they can to ruin your life. Just look at Operation Freakout, Paulette cooper is an American author and a critic of the Church Of Scientology, due to her criticism, the Church harassed her and on one occasion sent forged bomb threats purportedly by Cooper. But it gets much worse. Operation Freakout was there plan to get her incarcerated, in a jail or a mental institution or at least ‘Hit her so hard she drops her attacks’, the plan was as follows.
First, a woman was to imitate Paulette Cooper’s voice and make telephone threats to Arab consulates in New York. Second, a threatening letter was to be mailed to an Arab consulate in such a fashion that it would appear to have been done by Paulette Cooper (who is Jewish). Third, a Scientologist volunteer was to impersonate Paulette Cooper at a Laundromat and threaten the current President Gerald Ford and then the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. A second Scientologist would thereafter inform the FBI of the threat.
Jesus Christ!
When the FBI raided a scientology office in 1977 they found documentation relating to the operation, and Paulette sued the church.
These terror tactics are not isolated incidents you can see it in video after video after video, they all use the same technique there is literally dozens of video of them using the ‘bull baiting’ technique of not letting the person talk, repeating personal insults and saying ‘what’s your crimes?’ using constant repetition.
When a BBC journalist tried to do a documentary on the church, they didn’t send a PR man to put a smiley face on everything, they sent someone to stalk him and scream at him. Check out the video.
You may be saying so some followers are crazy, well actually the church TRAINS them to do these things just read that then watch this. Also this video shows the brainwashing techniques and the argument tactics of followers. Not to mention the staff are kept in hellish conditions being completely controlled by the church.
And these tactics go right to the centre of the church, just look at this extract from a article written by L Ron Hubbard.
Attack the attacker
(1) Spot who is attacking us.
(2) Start investigating them promptly for felonies or worse using own professionals, not outside agencies.
(3) Double curve our reply by saying we welcome an investigation of them.
(4) Start feeding lurid, blood, sex, crime actual evidence on the attackers to the press.
Said by L Ron Hubbard
—Attacks on Scientology, "Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter," 25 February 1966
The church has attacked psychiatry claiming that it is fraudulent and does great harm; they have co-opted the Holocaust and have tried to say psychiatrists were responsible for it, and they have pretty much attributed all the worlds woes to psychiatry (including the 9/11 terrorist attacks). Look at this video in which a high-ranking scientologist gives a speech on how they plan to destroy psychiatry and over the course of the lecture advocates violence towards practitioners.
And Tom Cruise himself has gone on talk shows to criticise psychiatry and in the process reveal himself to not know what he is talking about. What the church wants is to take away the credibility of psychiatry and that is horrible, it has only recently that it has becomes socially acceptable for a man to suffer from depression or for a woman to have post partum depression. It wants to take away all the significant progress and achievements we have made in the field of psychiatry.
Even so this is the largest achievement we have made in psychiatry
We have yet to broach one of the most controversial events in the church's history Lisa Macpherson. On November eighth 1995 Lisa Macpherson was involved in a vehicular collision, she attempted to take off her clothes at the scene of the accident, in response paramedics took her to a hospital. After getting there she checked herself out because she did not want to be given psychiatric care.
She then went to the scientologist run Flag Land base; she was isolated in a room.‘care logs’ detail the seventeen days she was kept there, she was incoherent often violent she bruised her feet and hands banging at the walls. She repeatedly refused food, and on four occasions staff attempted to force-feed her.
On December 5th 1995 she was ‘breathing laboriously’ she was rushed to David Minkoff’s hospital (a scientologist doctor), on their way to his clinic they passed four other hospitals. Lisa arrived at the hospital with no vital signs, she was declared dead after resuscitation attempts failed to heed results. Scientologists called her family and said she had died of “Meningitis of a blood blot”. An autopsy concluded that she had died of dehydration and it was noted she had cockroach bites all over her body. Fuck this is depressing here’s a picture of a kitten to cheer you up.
"The Board heard evidence from a highly qualified radiologist who has made a special study of radiation and its effects. He said that Hubbard's knowledge of radiation, as displayed by his writings in All About Radiation, was the 'sort of knowledge that perhaps a boy who has read Intermediate Physics might, with a lot of misapprehensions and lack of understanding, demonstrate' ... " SNAP!
As noted previously the church is out to destroy psychiatry, here is what L Ron Hubbard (the founder of scientology) said on the subject.
"A psychiatrist today has the power to (1) take a fancy to a woman (2) lead her to take wild treatment as a joke (3) drug and shock her to temporary insanity (4) incarnate [sic] her (5) use her sexually (6) sterilize her to prevent conception (7) kill her by a brain operation to prevent disclosure. And all with no fear of reprisal. Yet it is rape and murder ... We want at least one bad mark on every psychiatrist in England, a murder, an assault, or a rape or more than one ... This is Project Psychiatry. We will remove them."
from the confidential memo "Project Psychiatry" (February 22, 1966).
As you can see from that L Ron had both a firm understanding of Psychiatric relationships and a burning hatred for it. His religion was all about not taking drugs and self will etc, Well his son L Ron Jnr said this under oath
"I have personal knowledge that my father regularly used illegal drugs including amphetamines, barbiturates and hallucinogens. He regularly used cocaine, peyote and mescaline."
It's no mean feat to have a drug collection that would put Hunter S Thompson to shame
And he once sent a letter to his wife Mary Sue in which he said, "I'm drinking lots of rum and popping pinks and grays." The pinks and grays one would assume are uppers and downers. Now keep in mind this is from the person who started a cult whose whole central concept was that you should not take drugs.
L Ron Hubbard once claimed that the Blackfoot Indian tribe had made him a blood brother of their tribe…when he was four years old, well about that L Ron lived nearly one hundred Miles away from the nearest Blackfoot reservation and that tribe never performed the act of ‘Blood Brotherhood'.
L Ron Hubbard served in the military (where he never saw combat) he wrote about it in one of his books, here is what he said
"Blinded with injured optic nerves, and lame with physical injuries to hip and back, at the end of World War II, I faced an almost non-existent future. My service record states: 'This officer has no neurotic or psychotic tendencies of any kind whatsoever,' but it also states 'permanently disabled physically. And so there came a further blow--I was abandoned by family and friends as a supposedly hopeless cripple and a probable burden upon them for the rest of my days. Yet I worked my way back to fitness and strength in less than two years, using only what I knew about Man and his relationship to the universe. I had no one to help me; what I had to know I had to find out. And it's quite a trick studying when you cannot see.”
From My philosophy by L Ron Hubbard
How inspirational! It's just unfortunate it is all lies, the church has made many claims about L Ron's service record, but the truth is (Despite there claims he was decorated) he was demoted and had this said about him by his superior officer "Consider this officer lacking in the essential qualities of judgment, leadership and cooperation...Not considered qualified for command or promotion at this time. Recommend duty on a large vessel where he can be properly supervised."
And as for those crippling injuries, he never had anything even remotely similar happen to him, although he did seek treatment using his military perks for malaria, ulcers, conjunctivitis, headaches, depression, more conjunctivitis, bursitis, foot problems, weakening vision, psychological trauma from hardcore combat, arthritis and bursitis. Although I admire the idea that he can spin 'weaning vision' into "blinded with injured optic nerves" is pretty admirable in a strange way.
So there you have it Scientology is in my opinion a dangerous organisation I have outlined a small percentage of the churches crimes, but it should be apparent that the actions of the German government, were justified when faced with an aggressive anti-semetic, murderous, cult.
Who the hell wears an Ascot?
Love it. I spent one night watching all those cringing video's and UGH they are so annoying and violent and stubbornly ignorant!
ReplyDeleteGood stuff.