Wednesday, April 28, 2010

An Open Letter To Michael Bay

An open letter to Michael Bay

Because the person responsible for this deserves only contempt

Yes I know that criticizing Michael Bay is about as difficult as making fun of George Bush and no less over done. But he is really annoying me, so I felt I needed to get it out of my system, enjoy!

Dear Michael Bay

I am an avid cinema fan and I have watched you achieve some semblance of prominence in the industry. You have risen from your role as (checks Wikipedia) a goon in Miami Vice, to a director known for high budget films that are almost universally critically panned; yet inexplicably do well in the box office.

Now lets get things clear I was more than contented to sit back and watch you ignore you as you make horrible films based on toys or pubescent action filled fantasy, but then you founded a certain ‘Platinum Dunes’ production house, and began merrily producing god-awful remakes of classic horror movies. The first film produced under this rein of terror was ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, now this film was panned by almost every reviewer under the sun, but what made its existence particularly offensive was the original. You may not know this, but the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre was in no uncertain terms a masterpiece.

This film created tension and foreboding using a variety of techniques; from the opening scene it revealed itself as a cut above (terrible pun) both its competitors and its progenitors in the genre, it perfectly created the essence of a nightmare.

But here comes the remake to completely miss the point, you made it just another generic slasher flick, and when I mention it the thing most people think of is simply the crappy Platinum Dunes remake, there mind does not flow to the meticulous sound design, fantastic shooting and lynchian feel.

By no means is this an isolated incident they released the Friday the 13th, a prequel to Chainsaw Massacre and they have a nightmare On Elm Street on the way, all of which have been produced by you. I am going to be frank and I am genuinely sorry if you find this offensive, but you are probably the second worst director currently getting work in Hollywood (just behind Uwe Boll): your dialog is horrible and you seem to think explosions make up for a general lack of film quality.

Let me explain to you an analogy that I thought up, lets say explosions are salt, and the plot acting ect the very substance of what makes a movie, a movie is the…lets say chips. Salt complements the chips it gives it flavor to a point. Now if someone were to look at one of your movies with that analogy in mind one Would see this.

this is transformers 2: revenge of the character who was not mentioned in the original film once.

Some of your movies are simply a few chips under a pile of salt (The Island). But there are no chips under that pile of salt pictured, I came out of Transformers 2, thinking not that that it had plot holes, but “oh my god, Bay has done away with coherent plots all together”. You see how this is? In order for your films to have plot holes, it must first have a plot. But getting past the fact you shoot with the mentality of a twelve year old, lets look at your film ‘legacy’ you are most well known for The Transformers films (did you know that Revenge Of The Fallen has three Razzies? I assume so.) They were both not received well critically, and the latter was one of the worst films I personally have ever seen, it occurred to me that for someone who has built his career around explosions and car wrecks you aren’t very good at them. The shooting in ROTF (Revenge of The Fallen) was so bad that you couldn’t actually see what was happening most of the time.

I honestly do hope that you take my advice, though it could be said that I needn’t watch the god-awful remakes that you seem so hell bent on producing; the fact is there very presence and existence dilutes the potency of the original. think to yourself “is this really what I want people to think of me?”

Thanks for reading

Monday, April 26, 2010

Review: The Men Who Stare At Goats

The Men Who Stare At Goats

That goat is going places in Hollywood I can feel it, he already has more potential than Miley Cyrus.

The Men Who Stare At goats is a new comedy film directed by Grant Heslov based on a book by Jon Ronson, it stars George Clooney as a former psychic soldier and Ewan McGregor as a reporter following the, possibly insane, Clooney around the Middle East.

The film also features Kevin Spacey as an evil psychic that stands as opposite to the laid back and new agey Clooney.

The film starts with the reported Bob Wilton (Ewan McGregor) breaking up with his wife, he then travels to Kuwait to write about the Iraq War. On his way there he runs into Lyn Cassidy (Clooney) the self-professed psychic spy, Clooney claims to posses the powers of Remote viewing, telekinesis, the ability to walk through solid objects and says he once killed a goat with his mind.

So a synopsis that’s great! But what you really want to know is, is it any good? And the answer to that is kind of. The comedy is very hit and miss, and often times predictable. This can be excused because the film is driven by plot as much as comedy. But don’t get me wrong there is some legitimately funny moments (mostly from Clooney).

The cinematography is beautiful and in places perfectly captures the vastness of the desert. Suavey Mc Suave, Suave (George Clooney) is one of the most recognised actors in Hollywood for his performances in films like Oceans Eleven and Up In The Air.

He is even charming as a vagrant!

And for these reasons going into the film I had high expectations of him, and he was good, not great. It is understandable; this is not his normal role. If there was one thing he did well in this film it was his timing, the guy was just able to time the jokes perfectly and was able to broadcast his emotions with out being over the top.

The person who was great in this film (despite not having much screen time) was Kevin Spacey, rarely have I been disappointed with his acting finesse, today was no exception. He was playing a less than heroic character. in film His skills at arousing hatred in the audience are hard to match. Though it must be noted he can play sympathetic characters, see American Beauty. On an unrelated note, go watch American Beauty, yeah now. Don't read ahead to see where I am going with this, just go watch it right now, I will wait.

Jeff Bridges plays Bill Dhanjo, the top brass who set up the army psychic training facility, after being shot in Nam. He Is brilliant you really get a sense of his character, and he was legitimately funny, he really was such a well fleshed out character.

All the other actors are all right but don’t warrant too much of a mention

My major qualm with the movie is this; it sets itself up as a true story, it says it’s a true story from the beginning. But then it presents such outlandish situations and shows actual psychic phenomenon. And because of that it brings into question the entire movie. Now certain facts in the movie are true, but when you swirl it round with the speculation and unsubstantiated nonsense it weakens the entire story as a work of non-fiction. And indeed the film is in its stride when it is showing the farcical nature of the ideology subscribed to by the psychics.

But lets be honest they aren't exactly hard comedic targets

The film in a nutshell, weird, quirky, Joel and Ethan Cohenesque and a tad bullshit. Entertaining but take it with a grain of salt.

Three and a half stars

(this counts as tuesdays update.)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sexism in Twilight

It is no secret that I hate Twilight; I hate its purple prose filled writing, I hate the Mary Sue author surrogate, I hate its paper-thin plot, but most of all I hate the sexism. When I read the books I was shocked but continued on so that I could construct an informed viewpoint of the novels (I may write something about the films at a later date).

Now you may be asking why is it sexist? It is sexist from a number of viewpoints but one of the most offensive facets is the glamorization of an abusive relationship. And that is all it is the relationship between Bella and Edward is abusive and only becomes worse as the saga progresses.

From the very first book Bella is presented as a horrible cluts who cant take five steps without needing the ‘shudder’ statuesque Edward to swoop in and save her. And on that topic why does she constantly call him statuesque "his statuesque lips", "his statuesque abbs", "his statuesque sculpting (I made the last one up). "I kissed his cold statuesque lips" argh, how is that even appealing!

As soon as Bella falls for Edwards that’s it…all ambitions of higher education, career and personal education go out the window and are never spoken of again the only future Bella can get her ‘female’ mind to think of is marrying Edward. And when he leaves her in New moon she goes into a catatonic state and does nothing for months on end, and then purposely puts herself in life threatening situation so she can hear his voice again, eventually they get back together, sending the message to teenage girls everywhere that if he leaves you he doesn’t mean it and all you have to do to get him back, is simply destroy your life to prove you love him.

Spot the 'role-model'

Bella is subtly portrayed as an Eve character trying to tempt Edward into sin, while he remains stoic in keeping his purity.

Pictured ‘subtlety'

Throughout the series every single female character is revealed to be just a horrible cardboard sexist cutout, every one of the female vampires even Alice (flighty, obsessed with clothing, and partying, weaker than all the male vampires, and obsessed and subservient to the every whim of Jasper) and every human females character (they are all stupid and superficial and don’t warrant any attention. At least Bella actually spoke to the human males).

When the abusive side of the relationship reaches a fever pitch, e.g. moments like Edward removing the engine out of Bella’s car, or him telling her she cant be friends with Jacob, or Edward threatening her; she dismisses it with the terrifying qualifier ‘he is just a tad overprotective’ and the always a classic ‘he does it because he loves me’.

And then there is Jacob. Jacob was so close to being an interesting character, he was so much better for Bella than Edward (but in fairness Charles Manson, would be better for Bella than Edward), but then this happened

“His lips crushed mine, stopping my protest. He kissed me angrily, roughly, his other hand gripping tight around the back of my neck, making escape impossible. I shoved against his chest will all my strength, but he didn't even seem to notice. His mouth was soft, despite the anger, his lips molding mine in a warm, unfamiliar way.
I grabbed at his face, trying to push it away, failing again. He seemed to notice this time, though, and it aggravated him. His lips forced mine open, and I could feel his hot breath in my mouth.
Acting on instinct, I let my hands drop to my side, and shut down. I opened my eyes and didn't fight, didn't feel... just waited for him to stop.
It worked. The anger seemed to evaporate, and he pulled back to look at me. He pressed his lips softly to mine again, once, twice... a third time. I pretended I was a statue and waited.”

What the fruck?! And then it happened again! I am not going to quote the entire passage, but basically the same thing happens, Jacob kisses Bella until she likes it. Well gee thanks Meyer you are really setting a good example, ‘guys, Just sexually assault her until she likes it’.
At this point the book was halfway across the room, and I was reading Simone de Beauvoir’s the second sex, and about to flick through ‘A Vindication Of The Rights Of Women’. After that episode I tentatively looked on the internet to see what actual Twilight fans said about it, which is how I found myself on the Twilight forum, what I saw their scarred me, after almost being blinded by the color scheme, I was treated to a bunch of rabid fan talking about how it wasn’t sexual assault urgh.

Also in the final book Edward tears into Bella’s uterus with his teeth, in order to perform a makeshift caesarian. That had nothing to do with sexism; I just thought it was funny.

So I ask myself is this really the kind of tripe we should be spoon-feeding impressionable young women? I say no its not, literature and film is full of strong female characters (Buffy Summers from Buffy The Vampire Slayer or Lyra Belacqua from The Northern Lights series). You don’t need to go to these badly written novels, when there is literally a world full of amazing escapist books out there.

Why do you read twilight? Would you read real books if they looked like this?
(Photoshop originally by Daisho)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Internet opiates part one

I have opted to make a list of Internet sites that due to their quality, humor or level of interestingness are addictive to an unhealthy level, many hours have been sucked into the twirling nether because of them, and I am not sure if I should blame myself or the makers.

1. Cracked. cracked grew out of an old magazine. It has grown to become insanely popular and well written. It gets humor by commentating on lists of things EG ‘six most half assed attempts at corporate green washing’, or a list of the things ‘video games must stop doing’. Really the depth of writing and the amount I have learnt from cracked is amazing. it is updated with three new articles a day. seriously it could write an article about the ‘seven best Miley Cyrus songs’ and I would read the hell out of it.

2. Nedroid. Nedroid is a webcomic created by Anthony Clark. He has a distinct writing style and his humor makes me laugh even if I don’t know why.
His main recurring characters Reginald and Beartato are cute in a naïve kind of way. He can masterfully set up jokes that are funny, and never stray into vulgarity.

3. Yahtzee Croshaw: Zero punctuation reviews.
Yahtzee Croshaw is a British reviewer who creates the hilarious ‘Zero Punctuation gaming Reviews’ for escapist magazine. He uses humor and wit to cut to the core of problems with games and the industry itself. He can be a bit negative, but he is so funny you wont actually care. It is updated every Wednesday. His personal blog is also quite funny.

4. XKCD. XKCD is a web comic made by an ex NASA physicist, he uses a minimalist art style. Many of his comic strips focus on technology and the inconsistencies and foibles there in contained.

The end of free speech, and other such hyperbole. The clean feed

Today I wish to educate you on the subject of the clean feed or mandatory Internet filter. I wish to do this because it is a subject I am deeply passionate about. You see the Senator Stephen Conroy the Communications Minister want to censor the internet, content deemed 'undesirable'. Conroy and his cronies have painted it as Government Vs Child pornographers, but it is so much, much more than that. It is a very real and very scary assault on free speech, which has the potential to damage the Economy, credibility and technological infrastructure of our country. Oscar Wilde said in ‘The Importance Of Being Earnest’ “times like these it becomes more than just a morale duty to speak ones mind, it becomes a pleasure”

Before I attempt to explain the effects of this filter, I will first do the grunt work and explain what the plan itself is. The government wants to filter the net at the ISP level (Internet service provider), it will consist of two tiers of filtering an opt out filter, which every computer will automatically have, which one can turn off with a phone call. But more worrying is the mandatory filter, that every Australian may soon be forced to use.

Listening to the people fighting tooth and nail to get the filter through one would be mistaken in thinking it would simply block child pornography. But it will also block access to pro euthanasia material, information on abortion, explanations of safe use of drugs (creating a public health hazard). The fact the government wants to block access to material that A. should be covered under freedom of speech and B. presents an argument for changing of government policy creates many moral issues. It is a worrying trend towards universal censorship.

But that is just about the least of it. It will also block access to material deemed ‘unsuitable’ for an adult audience, this means unrated content (material deemed to ‘vulgar’ for an R rating) like Flash games and video games. Here is just one example of a game that will be blocked; it features a graffiti artist who tags as a way of protesting the corruption as caused by the oppressive Orwellian government. The explanation? This could incite vandalism .

The filter will not even be effective at stopping child porn; anyone with any knowledge (including any child who has ever been in a primary or secondary school) will know how to sidestep the filter with a proxy. And the majority of child porn is not on the net; the vast, vast majority is on peer to peer sharing sites, which will not be affected by the filter.

Now is here is what it will do, it will cost the Australian taxpayer around 128 million dollars to put that in numeric form that is 128,000,000 dollars . Can you even comprehend that amount of money, because I sure as hell cant. The filter would also damage the economy, you see this plan would create a monopoly on Internet filtering, and would obliterate the opt in filter services of many companies, destroying jobs and harming the economy. The filter by many estimates would decrease the speed of the Internet by around 30-80 percent. And it would increase the cost of internet service.

Senator Conroy has been disingenuous in implying that such filters have been applied in the UK and other European countries, the truth is that only two countries have really applied comparable filters and they are err…. China and Iran. Now as a member of a democratic nation YOU yes YOU as a citizen must ask yourself, do you want Australia to appear on a list alongside China and Iran, a list of countries whose citizens have decided that their government can be the moral arbiters of what is and what is not suitable for their adult population.

The list of blocked sites will not be made public; this leaves it open to abuse EG politicians silencing their opponents, or businessmen obstructing their competition. But let us examine the alternative; were the list of sites made public, people who wanted to view child porn (and other legitimately illegal material) would be able to find it. So this is a case of damned if you do damned if you don’t.

Even child protection groups have condemned the policy. And it has been condemned by the leaders of three of the largest ISPs in Australia (Telstra, Inet and Internode) as being unworkable for various legal, technical and ethical reasons.
Polls have shown that 86% of the Australians polled opposed the policy.

So when you examine this filter you find a bad idea flawed from the ground up, it has been spun into a puritanical crusade against child pornography to disguise the fact it is a draconian unworkable idea made by people who don’t understand the internet, and either don’t see or don’t care about the repercussions of their plan. The people you are told to be scared of (the paedophiles, the terrorists) are not going to be stopped or obstructed by this, all it will do is inconvenience and fine those it is supposed to protect.
The whole thing is an excellent show of the complex, often perplexing almost always-infuriating art of spin.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sliding Doors movie review

Sliding Doors is a romantic comedy. Rom Coms are extremely formulaic so if you want yours to stand out you need a hook. The hook of Sliding doors is this. Gwenthor Paltrows character gets sacked; she attempts to catch a train. Here is where it gets interesting, the movie splits into two distinct parallel realitys in one she catches the train (and meets the charming and Irish John Lynch…and he has an Irish brogue! *swoon*) and finds her hubby John Hannah, in bed with another woman. The second universe she misses the train and ends up not catching them.
The film shows the two universes progressing in tandem, as to highlight the changes. Despite this little innovation the film is pretty stock standard romance, it is not hard to see the twists and turns coming. Gwenthor Paltrow acts horribly; she spends the film switching between two tones and moods, (neither she does well). She is overshadowed by almost every-other character in the film.
The real stand out performance is Jeanne Tripplehorn as Paltrows partners ex wife and mistress (and she has an American accent!). The direction is average; the score is poor bar an excellent choice of song for the end credits. In the end this film is a sub average version of Blind Chance a Polish film that covered a similar premise in a much better manner.

Three stars (I gave it an extra half a star because of all the Irish accents*)

*What? I like Irish accents!

Things that annoyed me aka I am a pedantic loser
Avast forward here be spoilers!

1. 3 minutes and four seconds
Paltrow: I took bottles of vodka on Friday. It was my birthday. You know that. I was having a party, and I was running late, so I borrowed some. I bought some more to replace it.

Paul: Not a lot of use to me when I have nothing to offer the executives who dropped by late Friday.

Parltrow: You could have told them you'd run out. It's popular stuff. Bullshit, bullshit. We're in P R. That's what we do, isn't it?
But you didn't do that, did you, Paul?
Paul: No.
Paltrow: So I'm out, am I? Well, this is just perfect.
Congratulations. You wanted me out for ages. Now you've done it. Very well done.
Paltrow: Theft. Pretty foolproof. OK. I'll go. I'll go.

This is an example of Gwyneth Paltrow having a conversation with no outside input, notice how not once did Paul say she was fired, she just stood there talking to herself, before storming out.

27 minutes 18 seconds.

Customer: what do you do when you’re not working in here ey?
Paltrow: well I get up at about six thirty am making and delivering sandwiches, in the West End during the day, before I come here about six a clock, and finish as midnight. After that if I have got any energy left I give my boyfriend a blowjob
Customer looks shocked

Well what is wrong here is obvious; at the start of the movie Paltrow pretty much fired herself for nothing. And here she overreacts to a mildly suggestive line, and says something shockingly inappropriate in front of a table full of people.

32 minutes

When Paltrow asks her hubby about a brandy glass, we are treated to a lesson in overacting. John Lynch goes in no uncertain terms ape shit. All the while Paltrow doesn’t look even slightly concerned that her partner just jumped to the conclusion that she was accusing him of cheating, based on her asking about a glass of brandy.

38 minutes and 50 seconds

John Hannah is reciting Monty Python verbatim at a dinner party, no explanation is given to why everyone is laughing rather than staring at him with icy hatred. I like to hypothesize that there it a dog doing something adorable behind him.

43 minutes and 53 seconds

Jeanne Tripplehorn calls Paltrow back to her building (Paltrow has been delivering Sandwiches to them), it seems that Paltrow inadvertently gave five people at the company food poisoning. When Paltrow arrives home John Lynch asks, “What’s wrong?” to which Paltrow states "I met Cruella Deville’s less kind sister”. What the shit? you are not good with this whole job thing. You poisoned five of her employee, she said she wouldn’t take things further (which would have caused your termination), she was a bit cold to you, yes, but given that you poisoned her co workers and had her stuck with their work I would say you were pretty damn lucky you entitled snob.

46 minutes and 30 seconds
John Lynch is leading everyone in what appears to be aerobics in a bar, you expect it to be explained why, but an explanation is not forth coming.

58 minutes 34 seconds.

The point when I became bored with the draw out gimmicky movie and played with a djay program, for a while

1 hour and 1 minute
The point when Tripplehorn outshone everyone by multiple magnitudes.

1 hour and 20 minutes

Really I have been fading in and out now, and my attention is going to be even more wavering as now I have entered wikipedia, and will be clicking links for hours, god forbid I get to a page on astronomy or war time history, or I will be here all night.

1 hour and 30 minutes

The movie is over, they had a chance to make a statement with the dual car crashes there, if they had killed Paltrow, it would have reinforced a theme of fate. But no there was just a mediocre end to a mediocre movie

A journey with Death, short story

Here is my first short story, I hope you enjoy.

Journey with Death

“If you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you.” ~Fredrick Nietzsche
“Because I could not stop for death, he kindly stopped for me” ~Emily Dickinson

I stared out the window as the world spun. The iron taste of blood. The sound of
Screeching metal. As the car wreck unfolded all around me I had a strange feeling of removal from reality. Time had slowed down to a crawl; my head was spinning. My vision faded to black.
I found my self in a corridor I could see a white glow emanating from the other side of the passage. After walking for what seemed like an age, I came to the room, I was blind in the glare.

I could make out a silhouetted figure.
‘Who’s there” I said. In response I got a loud ‘shhhh’. With that the light turned off. I looked around. The wall was pure white, and covered with dozens of copies of the same certificate; a man’s face with worker of the month inscribed on the bottom.
The man on the certificate was now sitting in a chair in the centre of the room. He had black hair and dull blue eyes. He wore a suit and had a pipe in his hand, in his other hand was a copy of The Republic by Plato and by his side on a table were two books; on top was The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and beneath that was a book simply called The Business Man’s Bible. He was crouched atop a red leather chair that would not have looked out of place in a lawyer’s office, and behind him was a large bookcase.

After a number of minutes the man opened his mouth “Hello Nate do you know who I am?”
Stammering I said “Death?”
The man chuckled and said, “Feel free to call me the Angel of”.
At the time I had no idea what to say. Sensing I was not going to speak he said, “We have decided to make an audit of your account, and revaluate your worth to the planet”.
I stared at him mouth agape not responding but hearing all the same, the man seemed to be annoyed by my silence. He took out a note pad and pen. “Sorry for this formality we just need to make sure our information is correct”. Again a silence followed.

“So your name is Nate’d Agilerhii”
“Yes but call me Nate please”
“ You live in 129 Flinders street, Melbourne Australia Earth?” he asked, I was puzzled at his inclusion of Earth but slowly nodded.
“Yes, well all seems in order,” He said whilst putting the note pad nonchalantly back in his pocket.
“Where am I?” I asked. The Angel took a puff of his pipe. My head was swimming with the implications of the conversation. The realisation was slowly sinking in that I was never going to see my family or friends again.
After a long silence the Angel said whilst flipping through pamphlet advertising a church called ‘Our Lady Of Perpetual Motion’
“Wouldn’t you say that your species is a blight? What justifies your place on the earth? Even mould grows penicillin.”
“Look at the art and technology that we have created; we have made such great strides. We are a civilised society unlike any before! We have travelled to the moon and strive for the next step,” I responded desperately.
“Pfft getting to the moon, and making art is nothing when, military troops are slaughtering civilians, and the rich live in opulent towers made of gold, buying ever more advanced methods of killing each other, whilst their subjects eat dirt to stay alive. You can reach the moon, but not fix the issues that blight your own planet,” he said whilst he was saying this the other worldly white of the walls seemed to flicker as if emphasising his points. I sat in silence not sure how to respond.

“Is there a god?” I asked.
“Depends on your definition of god” he replied.
“Is it Jesus?” I asked, at this a grey bolt sped down the white walls; this startled me.
“Whose the real god? They are all reasonably interchangeable. If you cut through the propaganda and false teachings you find common strings: you know don’t kill each other, don’t steal, don’t stir ones foot to seek a foe…”
“Hold on aren’t you quoting Shakespeare, with the whole foot thing?” I asked.
He replied with annoyance, “Are you a divine being? Well then shut up” He continued his speech “ As I was saying, all these common messages tie into the central idea of not being a dick.”

The Angel stopped to fill his pipe. Without looking up from the implement he was meticulously filling with tobacco he said, “We are going to go on a trip. I want to show you something” He walked over to a ladder at the side of the room leading up into the whiteness of the roof, “please follow” he said. At the top of the ladder there was what looked like a trap door. The Angel opened it and crawled out. I followed behind him. We came out onto the cement sidewalk of a fairly normal street. Looking back at the hole we had emerged from I noticed that on this side the trap door appeared to be a sewer grate. On the road, cars and trucks were going past. I noticed a moving truck owned by a company called “Prime Mover”.
“What is this?” I asked, confused.
“Why this is heaven,” the Angel said.
I saw a man drop a piece of paper on the ground already paved with cigarette buts.
“What do you mean?” I said.
“Well what did you expect, pearly gates, harps and wings?”
“Well yeah” I said.
“Tell me, would you expect heaven to have crime?”
“No I wouldn’t”
“So you want some kind of unified utopia free of pollution and all crime and undesirables?”
“Well that would be good, yes”.
“That’s the thing about trying to set up a utopia; as long as there are humans there is crime, drugs, drinking and fighting. The only way to get rid of that is to get rid of either humans, or free will. That is why, so often, the dream for a utopia becomes a dystopia. Maybe the two ideas are the same…people shape both earth and heaven,” the Angel said.
I looked at my guide in disbelief. He raised his hand in the air and, with a showy gesture clicked his finger. We were back in the white room, the man seated as before. “Don’t get comfortable” he said. He rose to his feet in a swift succinct motion, he walked towards a large grey door that I was sure had not been there before. On the door hung a motivational poster. It was a picture of a kitten on a wall, with the text,” Gain hope all ye who enter”.

“God I hate going in here” the man said.
“Going where?” I asked my voice breaking slightly.
“Hell” he said, with none of the drama one would expect.
“What!” I shouted.
“Don’t worry, it’s not that bad for a visit. The worst part is getting past the damn receptionist”.
As the Angel entered, a middle-aged woman looked up, from behind large prescription glasses, obviously annoyed by the intrusion. A nameplate on her desk read ‘Sarah Buse’.
“What?” she asked. The man paid her little heed.
“I have an appointment, under Epiphany Fuel,” he said hardly breaking stride. “You will have to wait here” Sarah said obviously perturbed. The Angel showed no sign he had even heard her. He continued on through a large door on the other side of the room. I followed hot on his heels, readying myself for flames and sulphur. It was a huge room, and inside was a sea of office cubicles that stretched out as far as I could see. The room was filled with the sound of computer keys clacking, and murmured whispering. I noticed that a number of people, with grey hair and dead eyes were milling around, a water cooler, but the water bottle was empty. A few meters in front of that was, a printer, in bits and pieces on the floor. A man stood at the centre of the destruction scratching his head while the printer smoked and sparked. The smell of burnt popcorn hung heavily in the air. The only colour the numerous motivational posters.
“Millions of sinners trapped inside the worst torture imaginable” muttered the Angel
“Seen enough?” he asked I nodded hurriedly again he clicked his fingers.

We found ourselves back in the room.
The man sat down on his chair, “so why should you live on the earth? Lets look at some numbers shall we?” with out waiting for an answer the man began removing items from his pocket, as if searching for something, a well read copy of East of Eden came out, this was followed by a number of half filled packets of tobacco, there was a Hebrew to Latin dictionary, a book that simply had ‘Every Dog Has His Day Cart’ inscribed on its leather cover. Finally a remote control. Satisfied he placed all the items back into his supernaturally deep pockets.
The man pointed the remote and a large television slid out of what appeared to be solid ground; on the screen was a list of numbers.
“So this is your income”.
“With that much money you could feed an entire African village”
I was cut off “you strip mine the earth of its resources, you build and consume. You take the words of ancient goat herders as ultimate truth. You lose the common threads ‘love each other and stop being damned arse holes’. You hedge ‘love thy neighbour’ with the qualification ‘unless he’s gay, or poor, or a prostitute, or a Samaritan’, you look to the scripture to reaffirm your own inconsistent hateful behaviour, looking at these small select out of context verses without any bigger picture, or grain of salt on hand. All the while you’re building bigger and better ways of killing each other your own version of the law.”
“So tell me Mr Nate what say you?”
“I try my best with what I have, I don’t build the weapons, or do any of that, I try to be a good person, I go to church an…” With that I was cut off by his strong voice.
“Oh don’t do that. Don’t look to church as a show of your moral fibre, act sanctimonious and puritanical, one second, while you have your foot on the throat of lesser men.”
“I am a fine person, I love my neighbour I do all, that is expected of me.” Again I was cut off.
“What is of some concern is your life, you hold contempt in your own, mind though not actively aggressive you, passively niggle those around you.”
I was beginning to grow angry with this man “Doesn’t every one get angry, doesn’t every one harbour hatred?”
“Perhaps, perhaps they do, but were you to leave this planet behind, who would miss you?”
“My friends and Girlfriend, would miss me” I insisted.
With this the man turned around and pointed the remote at the television. It clicked on, a voice blared from the speakers, it was one of those shrill advertisements, he was advertising something called cave wall puppet theatre “I hate adds” The Angel said, when the ad had finished the picture turned to a woman besides a bed crying. I realised at once who it was. Seeing her there I wanted to comfort her tell her that I was ok. Her sobs filled the air.
“Turn it off”. The television went blank.
I turned to the Angel who was now scribbling furiously in his note pad.
“Will you send me back?”
“This little meeting is gradually drawing to a close, don’t you worry about that. Soon you will be ready to leave on the long commute, I just have one more thing to show you.” He said as he clicked his fingers.

There was a whoosh, and then I found myself in a bubble floating in the air, the man was in there with me, alarmingly he was still smoking his pipe.
Looking out into the distance I could see stars.
“What are we doing here?” I asked
“I’m showing you something,” the Angel said. He turned and stared into the inky black void of space.
I looked at him “How can I continue?” I asked.
“Please don’t be so dramatic. You will continue living the same way you have always lived consuming and consuming, going down hill being able to see the disaster ahead but not slowing down; like a car accident in slow motion.”
“Nate our business here is done. Management has surveyed my recommendation and made a decision, I hope you enjoyed your near death experience” the Angel said with a feint smile.
I was hardly listening to him at this point, but I suddenly felt dizzy like a sudden rush to the head, I felt my heart palpitating wildly like a brumby with a rope around its neck. I fell to the ground, then I faced death who was filling his pipe “That stuff will…kill you” I quipped, looking up at him. After I said that the Angel Laughed then everything went black. I opened my eyes, to harsh florescent lighting and the smell of disinfectant.

Infinite Befuddlement, a valiant struggle with David Foster Wallace pg 1-50

In this I will be blogging my attempt to get through the 1000+ page postmodernist epic by David Foster Wallace.
Page 1-50
So I have finally bowed to pressure from my sister and associated siblings and bought Infinite Jest. The introduction by Dave Eggers fills me with even more foreboding and dread, the description about it being a spaceship that cant be deconstructed, and an epic which one will struggle valiantly with, made me feel I was in over my head. But alas I soldiered on.

first impressions.

A short preface when I am going to use spoilers (which I will try to keep to a minimum), I will denote them with *SPOILERS* Luke is Darths father *END SPOILERS*, I that simple enough for you?
From the very beginning I am assailed with a plethora of characters from the interesting (Hal) to the slightly less interesting (Secret agents). It is difficult as character after character is introduced, with no backstory or introduction. All this happens on an unclear timescale that leaves one feeling out of the loop. As far as I can tell the only recurring plot elements involve drugs and tennis (bear in mind early days, my friend).
Now you may have gotten the idea from my rambling post, that I dislike the book, no thats not true, though I am less than amicable to postmodernist books, I find myself loving the writing style, it seems that just as the dialogue or scene threatens to become boring or repetitive it lets out a little humour or a change of direction. The situations more often than not are compelling. I felt bored and slipping in the first twenty pages or so, but once it hit forty I was in. Wish me luck and above all comment!

"What do you get when you cross an insomniac, an unwilling agnostic and a dyslexic?" ".." "you get someone who stays up all night torturing himself mentally over the question of whether or not there is a dog" That made me laugh.

0.3 inches in 2.2 left

Welcome, first posts and other formalities

Hi. welcome to my blog. I plan to use this blog for a lot of things, I will have movie and books reviews (hopefully not that terrible). I will post stories I have written and other hodgepodge details of varying import and interest.
But a little about me*, I am 15* and in year 10 in an Australian school. My interests include books, movies, bikes, socialising, history and music. I cant be bothered going into further detail, especially as it is not inevitable that people will read this, so I could actually be simply 'shouting into the void'.
So onwards into the bow I suppose!

*I am sure you don't care, but it seems a necessary formality.
*Number may change.